PhpMyAdmin can generally be only accessed when you visit the cpanel.
But there’s a technique to view phpMyadmin on WordPress dashboard itself.
This stores useful information like password of your site and other tables and database.
It’s useful to know how to access it within WordPress in case you get stuck somehow and forget passwords and want to recover them without much hassle.
SQL executioner is one such plugin.
With the plugin you can see various features of your database like server, database, user and even the password.
Using ARI Adminer to access phpMyAdmin from WordPress dashboard
Adminer is a great plugin enabling you access to phpMyAdmin from within the WordPress dashboard. The traditional path involves going to your cPanel and then accessing phpMyAdmin from there.
It’s free to use and once you’ve installed and activated the same you can access it from under tools on the left sidebar on WordPress.
Go to tools>>Adminer and you will get access to your database
Database optimization and take backups of your database is much easier and one step closer this way.
Operates in two modes: Advance and Simple. The advanced mode allows you to carry out all functions as you would through cPanel. The simple mode allows you to just edit data that’s good for beginners.
Secure: Not everyone has access to the plugin. You can assign user roles to allow access to only admin users. Please note that someone with access to your blog in the admin capacity can do whatever he wishes with the database. So use the plugin carefully.
Is available in both english and Russian.
Is free.
Final thoughts
What do you think of the features provided by the Adminer plugin in simplifying access to phpMyAdmin?