This tutorial is going to help you do keyword research properly and finding out hot niches from Amazon. I will give you the step by step method for zeroing in on a niche, finding out if the niche is easy to rank and if money can be made from it.
You can see my case study where I ranked a niche site on the first page of Google within 11 days.
Through this tutorial what I aim is to show you what goes behind a niche selection.
How to find out niches from Amazon and start sites that make you decent amount of cash.
1.Way to find out hot niches from Amazon.
Money can only be made from the place where money already exists. The place where money rests on Amazon are the bestsellers. In the best seller section we will first choose a section and for the sake of an example let us make it Outdoors and Sports.
From there we will go to exercise equipment/strength training.
Then choose Dumbbell.
As you can see in the image I have marked a few spots with arrows. I am looking for the product that has sold itself a number of times and here we have something that tops the list of best sellers. To find out the best product that is also profitable I will be looking at the number of reviews, the average rating and the PRICE. If you make a site for a term that sells at 10 bucks that you can’t expect to make a lot of money.
That is the reason I go for a higher profit margin.
Something that is at least $100.
2.How to use the Google Keyword Tool the right way
Google keyword tool is one of the best tools now which can help you find out the search volume of keywords and their CPC.
We are going to look for the keyword adjustable dumbbells because that is something which is not only a best seller but has been repeated many times over. You can see that it has been mentioned in at least three places and it also has got many reviews and a good price.
You have to go for exact match and I will show you why
The difference between broad match and exact match
The top one is broad match and the bottom one is exact match
3.Using and understanding Long tail Pro Platinum
The Long tail pro is one of the best tools that can help you analyse Keyword competition. As per Spencer Haws, the creator himself, if the KC is below 35 then that keyword is easy to rank.
For the sake of fun I will show you another niche where you can easily rank, something that has a lot less competition in my long tail pro review
Some more guidelines
There are however a few guidelines and my personal tips and tricks that you should follow in order to find out a real hot niche that is easy to rank.
The 50 post guideline, if you can write 50 posts in and around this keyword then this keyword is alright for you. In order to find this out there is a very easy thing that I do and that is use Kontent machine.
If Kontent machine can find out articles for the keyword then there is enough content for the keyword.
You can watch my video tutorial on how to use Kontent machine.
Though I would not suggest using this content on your site the content can help you research properly. You can also use this content to power your tier 1 and tier 2 links.
Where does your site rank?
Now this free tool can help you find the where your site ranks for a particular keyword.
Hey George !
Nice tutorial mate .. I never though that doing the keyword research can be important for a site like amazon .Thanks for opening my eyes .
Hi George.
thanks for the tutorial. appreciate it much..
perhaps u should fix your rss feed url, it direct to themejunkie instead your own seekdefo
Thanks, you are right.I will check that, btw you can subscribe by entering your e mail on the sidebar subscription box
yup, but i using a rss reader..easy for me to check all the post which i subscribed..i am a lazy man to log into my email..lolz
Wonderful article you just shared here again, and i must say, your blog is becoming interesting by the day,.
This is truly an eye opener, and i am going to take one product to rank there very soon.
However, am having serious probs here, i thought you said this
“For the sake of fun I will show you another niche where you can easily rank, something that has a lot less competition in my long tail pro review”
But i did not see that, or did i miss out??
Okay, waiting for your reply,.
I have done that in my long tail pro review and the post will be updated in the coming two or three days with the video. You should also see this post to get more ideas
frank joseph
Very detailed tutorial, i remembered when i first started out with keyword research, i ended up using Broad and built a site around a niche that has only 100 exact search per month. And i know a lot of newbies are still making such mistake.
Thank you.
Yes I agree with that. Thanks for the support and hope that you will come back
Hi George,
Niche sites is a great way to show your expertise in specific topic and generate good income from targeted traffic, and you should select the niche carefully so that it be a profitable one. Thanks for this great tutorial on how to now which niche to choose using Amazon. But you need to make sure that you can produce a quality content for that niche.
I get writers who work at $5 a post
Do you need Kontent writer tool to use GSA ranking software?
You don’t need Kontent machine to use gsa but if you are not using Kontent machine you need to get some content and learn spinning