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Google social shitstorm : Birth Pangs edition

this is what I found

Vote for this post on Inbound  so that people know the real face of Google now!

I have edited the post to not show the actual sites involved because I feel bad about hurting someone’s business.

Yesterday Glen wrote a post Google shitstorm and whether you like it or not Google is pretty messed up now with their results. In their bid to outbid the social media sites from search and their nature to screw everyone that’s doing legitimate SEO search results have become un reliable. Update after update has not helped anyone  and their  loud mouthed PR mouthpiece “ Mr Cutts” has done nothing to help, save driving the humble web masters to the verge of suicide.

In my last case study I showed you how I ranked a niche site to the first page of Google in 11 days. The site sits at Page 1 position 5 now and this is just one example of proving that what Google preaches does not work.

Today I am going to show you a few sites that sit on the first page  for a keyword in the weight loss niche  that gets 2,46,000 exact match searches.

See the image to know what the hell I am talking about.

top ranking weight loss term1 Google social shitstorm : Birth Pangs edition


And this

Google AdWords Keyword Tool 1024x86 Google social shitstorm : Birth Pangs edition

But wait.. it does not have many links to it..

Open Site Explorer1 Google social shitstorm : Birth Pangs edition

Or does it

14409 backlinks Backlink Checker1 Google social shitstorm : Birth Pangs edition

Since ahrefs did not show any backlinks and the reason may be that that the backlinks were built too fast and only recently I fired up monitor backlinks to reveal 14k links to the site!

Hardly an hour had passed that I started monitoring the backlinks of this site when Monitor Backlinks sent me an e mail saying that 230 more backlinks were created

This is why the post was named the birth pangs edition. Behold a vampire is born and this is how it gets born.

Now you may say that it will work for only a short time but there’s a logic, I don’t need long time. Let it rank for only a month. 

Let me ask you something, if ranking a site was so easy then can’t I create hundreds of one page sites in such niches and bank all the cash in the world.

I would just create sites and build links on auto pilot and boom cash- first page rankings!

One more thing, if you visit the site you will also see that they are justifying the process, the links they are building by this…social shares1 Google social shitstorm : Birth Pangs edition

Do you know this man who said,”The objective is not to “make your links appear natural”, the objective is that your links are natural”

the links should not appear natural they should be matt cutts  Google social shitstorm : Birth Pangs edition

Now that the links are natural and are built in the space of 2 days Google should rank them right?? and Matt Cutts should go about his business declaring that the links should be natural and advocate that on his blog and admonish against all forms of link building so that hard working web masters trying to make a living online do not bother about link building and only write awesome content only to be seen that the content which they have written poring over thousands of other sites and research is out ranked by someone who can build links or afford to do that at the speed of light, come to forums to be more confused about the process, see that the living that he is trying to make is being destroyed every day by some update that does no bad to these people but only makes his rankings drop like a stone, why  should he not be tired, dissatisfied and grow angry at the state of web that you have made for him.

Why does not the web master with good content build his content in vain?

helpme with this SEO problem im trying to give rank to a website with SEO Google social shitstorm : Birth Pangs edition

Dear fellow blogger, if you are trying to make something online then follow this


  1. wow, George, you are trending on a dangerous path, taking the piss off Matt, but i just wondered why no one has comment yet, your blog looks awesome.

    Gosh, i have bookmarked this blog and it’s so interesting to read your super reviews.

    About your Dumbbell site, guy, you rock, but before that, i guess the new penguin update has a say.

    Well done

    • Matt is playing a dangerous game, playing with people’s lives. Glad that you liked it. If you subscribe it would be easier for you to get my posts via e mail

  2. Darragh McCurragh

    I couldn’t agree more. Recently I found a few sites in some niches that were placed by African webmasters (with .com domains) – only, they couldn’t write proper English. They seem to have used Google translate and then some. Still, some of them ranked even on position one for certain long-tail keywords. What do they and Google know that I don’t know? Maybe stupidity is the new natural? Now nothing against African webmasters – it just so happened, it could have been any other non-English-speaking nationality or race, but this was just the most glaring example that even the Hummingbird algorithm can’t spot the most obvious abuses, even if they’re unintentional, that’s still abusive.

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