The date was December 21, 2012, the day when the world was touted to end. It did, for me!
That day Hostgator ran a special end of the world sale where it offered a discount of up to 75%. I wrote a post, promoted it so much that it showed up on the first page of Google, got 300 visits and around 50 clicks on my affiliate link but sadly made $0 in sales even though I had sold hosting.
So I think that Hostgator should rather go sell peanuts than have an affiliate program.
Below is a series of emails exchanged between me and my affiliate manager.
I believe that you are here to help me. I have very strong reasons to believe that at least one sale has occurred if not more.
The reason is that a particular chap Amirhossein Andohkosh
commented that he had purchased hosting with my link on the sale day. Now it could have been a false claim but then with his email id I traced his facebook account where he made a post that he had finally purchased hosting.
Why would one make a fake facebook status update on a page which doesn’t even have a lot of likes.
But what intrigued me was that even after several attempts of contacting hostgator and receiving assurances and reasons of servers being busy he was unable to receive a welcome e mail stating his c panel login details.
3 days have gone by. Me at 0 commissions and he at a loss to understand what the hell has gone wrong??
The e mail id with which he signed up maybe either or
I don’t know for sure. I cannot give more info because I don’t have more info.
I am a distraught person today. I spent a whole 24 hours promoting the sale updating each time whenever the discount went from 25% TO 50% TO 75% TO BACK AGAIN AT 50%.
I did not sleep that day. I tweeted the post 56 times, expired all my 5000 justretweet credits in tweeting the offer. Like a madman I promoted my post on all facebook groups, commented on around 20 blogs, submitted the post to Digg delicious, blogengage and rss feeds.
Within a few hours of doing all that my site was on the first page fourth result for hostgator end of the world sale, 75% off, hostgator end sale, year end everything getting targeted traffic from Google-150 search engine visitors and 25 clicks on the same day and some more after the 75% offer expired.
December 21
But from these many days I have not seen a single commission or sale whether pending or active.
I have struggled a lot wanting to make a income online and if a person who has done all of this can’t make a penny with your affiliate system then please close shop and go sell peanuts!
There’s a person who I know who trusted in me who went ahead to start his dreams being unable to get his cpanel login details.
Don’t pay me a penny atleast give him the worth of cash that he spent.
More emails ME:
The client about whom i was talking registered a domain and hosting
with hostgator on 21st december AMIRHA.COM. But till now the c panel
login information has not been sent. Can i know why.
They sent me commissions
Is there anything wrong with your system. Do i have to personally go
and fetch the details of each and every domain to get my due sales.
Iam confident that this is not the only sale i generated
THEY: ( acting dumb)
> Hello,
> Thank you for contacting HostGator. I am unaware of any issues at this time
> concerning the tracking of sales within our system. This customer may have
> had cookies disabled within their web browser, which is the reason why the
> commission was not tracked correctly. As always, if you have any questions
> or concerns, going forward, please do not hesitate to contact HostGator.
> Thank you and I hope you have a great day.
> Your support of HostGator is greatly appreciated!
> Best regards,
Well with the post on sale, I had included lot of freebies, so I can understand no reason for which, the person specifically removed his cookies.
And then shit happened!
You are very good people. First i drive traffic to your link like a
fool you give me no sales commissions. Then with great difficulty i
prove to you that i’ve two sales and you call them duplicate paying me
nothing. Thank you and god bless…
Great post hostgator is best web hosting company that provide full functionality and nice support thanks for sharing..
Hmm great post right! If you had bothered to read the post i would have given you some link love but since you were in such a hurry, not only am I removing this link but all the three links that you posted. Ok sysco!
Jason James
Hmm I got my login details when I signed up. Are you sure it isn’t an issue with many of the people coming from india? Did your commission for my sign-up go through?
Sadly it didn’t. I don’t think its an issue for people only from india.
Amirhossein Andohkosh
Great post and a true post and I’m sure my cookies were not disabled, I contact them 3 times last week one of them said it’s server other one said the email is wrong so I changed it and they said I just send the email and the last one [amazingly] said the email is still wrong and you should call us and again I have not received any emails.
Also Jason I live in London so it has nothing to do with india, it’s Hostgator