I recently went through the four hour work week by Tim Ferris and I have got to say that the way Tim automates mundane tasks with the help of virtual assistants is mind boggling. There are a lot of tasks which have to be done but it’s not necessary that they have to be done by you yourself.

There are a ton of virtual assistant services that you can make use of, imagination is the limit when it comes to hiring a virtual assistant.

For example The Problogger finds that shuffling through e mails is his most hated job. There are tons and tons of them so what he does is hire a virtual assistant and gives her the task of dealing with e mail. Almost 90% of the emails are sorted out this way and at the end what he actually has to deal with reduces to just a 10%.

If you ever have submitted a guest post at problogger then you might have seen that it’s not Darren who checks them but another person called Georgina. See the amount of time he saves by doing that.

There are other things too that you can hand over to your virtual assistant like planning your calendar, scheduling your meetings, travel ticket booking,writing content for your niche sites, handling guest posting requests or sending them out and a lot lot more things.

Just look at what a virtual assistant can do for you

Check your e mail,respond to what he/she can: Just imagine you relaxing over some beach at Hawaii while your virtual assistant is checking your email accounts, handling every mundane not so important or semi important mail and then “redirecting” only the messages that require your personal attention to you. All this at less than the cost of the beer that you are sipping.

Book your travel: Everything including airline reservations, hotels, car rental, etc. are necessary but it’s not necessary that you go out and do all that boring task. With your virtual assistant you can enjoy your life while they do the hard work.

Make appointments on your behalf: If you are involved in any kind of business you would need to constantly meet new people and calling and checking on them can be a huge task. With an assistant by your side you will have the comfort of not lifting a finger while- confirmation of appointments and follows up is done for you.

Manage your calendar: It’s self explanatory.

Set up niche sites: Setting up niche sites and writing posts can be a breeze if there’s a person by your side to do all that. We only have 24 hours in a day but when we need to get more accomplished nothing gets better than a virtual assistant.