WordPress lets you easily add any number of authors on your blog. With guest blogging still the rage it was a few years ago, people are open to guest blogging on other sites and popular blog owners are open to accepting them.

On WordPress anyone can get the registration link and simply sign up to add a post on your site. It doesn’t get easier than that.

With Blogger too there are some options available to add other writers. The key difference is you need to invite someone for them to start writing on your blog.

It seems like a win-win for both parties.

But as with everything, there are both advantages and disadvantages.

Let’s look at both the benefits and non-benefits of having others write on your blog.


  • It’s difficult to come up with new article ideas every single day. Invited authors come with different life experiences and backgrounds. They might suggest topics you wouldn’t have thought of yourself. Fresh insight and a novel voice will help build your blog and add a much needed zing.
  • It takes the pain away from blogging. Blogging is HARD WORK. Anyone who thinks differently isn’t going to make it profitable. Sharing some of your labor with others can give you much-needed rest and prevent blogger fatigue from having to write so much and reply to so many comments. Use that time to recharge your batteries.
  • Free content—Guest bloggers never charge a penny for their article.


  • True that you don’t have to pay them. But some form of compensation is warranted. Often the compensation is in the form of a ‘do-follow’ link back to their own blog. Do this enough times and you could attract a penalty from Google.
  • Guest authors siphon off a few readers to their own sites
  • At times you have to massively edit content for grammar, tone and style of writing. You may need to exchange many emails to get everything perfect. Instead of saving time, you are now wasting it.

Now that you’re familiar with both sides of the coin let’s continue with the steps.

Steps to make your Blogspot blog a multi-author one

Step 1

Login in to your Blogger Account. If you are already logged into Gmail, then going to Blogger.com will automatically log you in.

Step 2

If you have multiple blogspot blogs click on the name of the one you wish to invite authors for.

Step 3

On clicking settings located towards the bottom of the left side you will get many options including one called Blog permissions listed under Basic.

You will find your name and email id as one of the authors.

There would be a tab where you can invite others. You can invite them by adding their email address. There’s also an option to add people by sifting through your email contact list.

permissions1 300x50 How to make your Blogspot blog multi author by inviting authors?

Once invited the invitee has one month to accept the invitation.

You can also remove writers anytime you want.

Once you have invited someone, they need to accept the invitation and they can start writing after that.

Should you choose administrator or author?

You will find that you can invite someone as either an author or admin.

An administrator account comes with all administrative privileges and I highly advise not to make any Dick or Harry an administrator. Even close friends.

Just stick to inviting others as authors.