I have been a long time with fiverr and fiverr is the one site that has actually made me good money. In the initial days when I started this website the hosting expenses were taken care of by the gigs that I did at fiverr. Even now I sell at fiverr and money comes in pretty easily these days. I have regular months where I make as much as $100 directly from Fiverr and then there’s also up selling involved which makes me some more cash.
If you go read any other guide about making money from this site you will mostly get information that’s not so great. They will tell you to concentrate on what you like and all that but I always knew that there had to be some easy way to make some cash.
I do not want to say that you can make quick cash. All of that depends on how you choose to promote your service. For example I made my first sale 6 months since making my first gig and ever since there was no looking back.
Thinking about it I wish I had made some effort in promoting my gigs back then but then experience is a great teacher. If you like to promote your gigs then make a video about the service that you offer and share it on you tube. Then make a slide show out of it and share it on slide share.
Fiverr has a blog where they frequently update stuff and you can share the links to your gigs in the comments. Try to get that first sale and rest will follow.
Now where was I?
Yes making money on fiverr without lifting a finger. Now I know a lot of tricks that we can use but that requires the use of softwares. I will share some quick tips with you, some gigs that can be done by anyone and its going to be very easy.
Make money by selling info products on Fiverr
1. Now I am not going to tell you to get some PLR articles or copy some beauty recipes though that also works. On fiverr the hottest selling gigs are related to twitter. Buy twitter followers, get re tweets, mentions etc. Don’t believe me, below is the Fiverr home page showing the most rated gigs.
The idea that I wanted to drive home was that twitter related gigs are popular. So if you can bring a compelling guide about getting followers on twitter or getting your message across many people on Twitter then you have a winner.
See this, this is a gig offered by Enstine Muki of emfastincome and you can resell the report to anyone. He says that in the description. Here’s the link
Create a gig on fiverr and write an exciting copy about how your report is going to show them a way to drive traffic through twitter and that’s it. When you get an order then buy that report from Enstine and start driving your sales. Do not forget to ask for a review at the end of the delivery.
You know what I have got a better idea. Offer them another product as a bonus for leaving a positive review. Fiverr is all about reviews. Want more sales, learn to ask for reviews( Period)
2. Info products do not end with tweets alone. If you can solve a problem then you have got money. So what do you think will be a big problem ? Weight is a problem, getting fit is a problem but people do not look for weight loss at Fiverr. Yep I have tried that and did not make many sales. When people come to Fiverr then what they are looking for are things like getting likes, traffic etc.
If you can show how to get un limited traffic to someone’s site with legitimate ways then you have a winner again. In the above screenshot there’s a man who does that. Copy that gig, write the description in your own words and promote yourself on forums and places where people desperately look for traffic. Pitch your product to bloggers like me( not me, ok) who need traffic.
But how do I know that this product works. Because he has not got any negative reviews. You can also choose to sell this by creating a post in the buy and sell section of a forum and you will get sales, just give some review copies get some golden reviews and you are on your way to make some sales, without lifting a finger.
3. Make money showing them how they can get un limited backlinks to their site. This gig also revolves around the psychology of buying on fiverr. What are they looking for and you will have the answer? They are looking for links and if you can get some info product then re sell it on Fiverr itself by copying that gig.
Now that you have shown them how to build backlinks you can also offer to build the backlinks for them and this is what I call up sell.
4. There are so many info products that are released teaching how to make money online. Resell. If you do not like the idea of reselling, create a video describing the process and sell that. The buyer will be more than happy!
Make money doing press releases on Fiverr
I am only sharing with you guys the most in demand things on fiverr and press releases are hot and they need to be dripping with words. You need only 300 to 400 words of that and you are done with a press release. It is an easy way to make some quick cash and people are usually back for more. You can up sell press release gig by offering to post the press releases on different sites. One guy posts it on premium press release platforms for 20 bucks( Fiverr extras). Doing that themselves will cost them at least $147.
But all that need to be done only when you have started making money with your initial press release gig.
Make money doing automated stuff at Fiverr
There are a lot of people who offer link building services at Fiverr and all of them look gorgeous but truth be spoken its not that hard, especially when you are not doing it manually. See all these SEO related gigs. They are quite easy to do because all of them are done with softwares like No Hands SEO, scrapebox, Senuke XCR etc. There are sellers who make as much as $4000 a month with these gigs alone. But if I had SE Nuke XCR I had rather be building a profitable niche site than doing all of this stuff. Anyway just wanted to give you an idea that you can make a lot more if you are willing to spend a little money.
Which means that in six days he is making $1200. See I was not joking!!!
Other than these there are banner making gigs on Fiverr which are mostly done on a premium subscription to mybannermaker.com. All the banners look delicious and there is a huge demand for those but most of these sellers merely have a premium account at mybannermaker.com.
What more? However there’s an easy way to make some pretty dollars without much effort and that is by selling SEO reports. There are softwares that will analyse a site and make report of it based on all the SEO factors. You can brand it as your own and sell it. See this seller.
The software I use for this purpose is Website Auditor.
There are a lot of gigs that can be done automatically and a little out of the box thinking can make you at least a $100 on fiverr.
Enstine Muki
Hey George,
I got your mail to my address and followed up to this post and while reading, Bam! I saw my offer on SEOCLERKS
Interesting things can be done for five 😉
Thanks for the shoutout man!
Agree! You can use the Fiverr platform to gain more visibility to your services. The way fiverr is structured everyone gets a chance to make money, thanks for coming over
World Knowledge Tips
Great and super post. I like your great job.
Epic post, thank you. Thinking outside the box is definitely an advantage on fiverr.
I have offered some of the types of gigs you mentioned in your post, and I can confirm that they make good bucks.
Fiverr can be a good source of side income for sellers, and traffic for buyers.