Well there’s one tip which if you can follow will beat the hell out of Google Panda, penguin and other future black and white releases. When I was a child I used to love stories and it continued when I grew up. I believe that all of you love stories. I am going to tell you an internet story of Google v/s John Chow. It happened long before Panda was born on the web 2.0 or even became such a scary notorious animal. At that time John was busy buying and selling links,with the anchor text “make money online”, doing paid reviews etc. And Google got angry because others wailed and complained that John was making money doing so many illegal things which they were obviously not allowed to do. After much wailing Google de indexed johnchow.com from the search results. For a person making a full time income on the internet this step can spell the doom of his life. Well john survived and not only that he survived he did well with not much drop in income. Your jaws dropped right! During the days of his banishment from Google most of his traffic came from social media services like Twitter(he has got 50,000 followers on it), he had vigorously built his list when Google was shining bright on him and he continued marketing his products and affiliate links to his list bringing him money. Let me guess Adsense income was only a tiny part of what he actually made online and nowadays he doesn’t use Adsense.

Let me arrive at the tip for which you are waiting patiently. Its like this. No matter in whichever jungle you go, no matter whichever hound pursues you, if the content which you write can make a difference in people’s lives then you can  beat anything that comes your way. John’s story is an excellent example of brand power. John was so huge that silly things like google de indexing couldn’t beat him. At that time John’s site survived as bookmarks on the computers the world over and through twitter. The point which I am trying to convey is that if you build a brand rather than  merely a blog dependent on search engine traffic you can consistently make a solid income online even without Google.

White hat or Black hat SEO are not that important as long as you are providing valuable content to the readers. Your readers are your most important asset and not search engine reputation.